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Getting To Know Australian Wines
Wine is the world's oldest and most popular drink. In our society good wine is considered part of an elegant lifestyle, and an essential part of a fine meal. Wine is produced in many different regions of the world and a variety of contemporary and traditional fermentation methods are used in the making of wine. One of the countries that have some outstanding wines is Australia.
Australian wines are made with a careful balance of quality grapes and patience in the fermentation process to produce great tasting wine. Since the country is so huge, they produce a variety of different kinds of wine and tasting the differences makes it hard to believe that they all come from the same country. Here are some examples of popular Australian wines:
- The white wines have a unique taste and the color varies depending on what part of the country they come from. There are great variations in the hues of yellow of the wines when poured into glasses, and typically the deeper the hue is, the richer the flavor of the wine will be.
- The taste of the red wines is also different depending on the climate of the area it comes from. The areas with a warmer climate produce wine with a more flavorful and richer taste, while the cooler regions make for a lighter and more delicate taste.
- The warmer regions of Australia have and advantage in the fortified wines they produce. Fortified wines have a longer process of fermentation and are blended with brandy to emphasize the taste of the alcohol. The flavor and aroma depends on how long the wine had to mature.
- Dessert wines have a distinctly sweeter honey-like taste with a fruity flavor and a higher acidity. This is caused by a naturally occurring fungus that is used in the production process. Dessert wines can be served with fruit desserts or blue or soft cheeses that balance the acidity.
Trying an Australian wine will introduce you to a whole new taste experience.
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Getting To Know Australian Wines
Wine is the world's oldest and most popular drink. In our society good wine is considered part of an elegant lifestyle, and an essential part of a fin...
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