2008 - Wine Train
Wine Rack Kits and Plans
Properly storing wine keeps flavor and lets wine age so that you can taste its evolving, complex flavor. Buying a wine rack, however, can be pricey, especially for someone who is more interested in developing a robust wine collection, not decorating.
Properly storing wine keeps flavor and lets wine age so that you can taste its evolving, complex flavor. Buying a wine rack, however, can be pricey, especially for someone who is more interested in developing a robust wine collection, not decorating.
Before you begin construction, plan where you will put the wine rack. Storing the wine in the right environment is crucial to its flavor. Always store wine in a cool, dark, and slightly humid area. Never store wine in the sun or in the heat. It will cook the wine and ruin its flavor. Keep the temperature between 50 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Store the wine on its side so it keeps the cork moist.
Wine rack kits let you grow your wine collection piece by piece. Wall-mounted wine racks let you store nine to 36 bottles on one shelf. Wall-mounted metal wine racks make it easy to see the label of each bottle. Expect to pay between $50 and $100 for each shelf. Dont be afraid to ask the retailer for a discount if you buy many shelves at once. You can also buy matching wine islands so that you can store wine and have a tabletop in your wine cellar. Look online for the best selection.
Build your own wine rack for the lowest cost. Free plans are on the Internet, and youll probably need at least a table saw or jigsaw, a sander, and drill press. For simple projects, you can expect to pay less than $10 for equipment.
Probably the cheapest, but most effective wine rack you can build uses brick and wood planks. Stack the bricks for height, and use wooden planks with smaller wooden dividers for an easy-to-make wine rack.
Short Review on Wine Train
Wine Rack Kits and Plans
Properly storing wine keeps flavor and lets wine age so that you can taste its evolving, complex flavor. Buying a wine rack, however, can be pricey, e...
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Le Muse - "Piave" Pinot Grigio

Price: 28.99 USD
Headlines on Wine Train
Up to a $1,000 fine if you don't sort your garbage in Frisco
Tue, 05 Aug 2008 10:41:26 PDT
Garbage collectors would inspect San Francisco residents’ trash to make sure pizza crusts aren’t mixed in with chip bags or wine bottles under a proposal by Mayor Gavin Newsom.
Quantock Abbey Wines - Simply the best UK Wine Importers.
Tue, 05 Aug 2008 08:59:17 PDT
Quantock Abbey Wines are based in South Somerset. They import Fine Wines from all over the world including some really hard-to-get wines that you wont see anywhere else. They have a spiffing good new Website from which you can browse their wines and then have them delivered to your door. If like me you Love Fine Wine then you must check them out.
Where to Find Fine Wine!
Tue, 05 Aug 2008 01:54:32 PDT
France, California, Spain..? Learn how to choose your wine!
The Lede: Italy Joins the Boxed Wine Rebellion
Mon, 04 Aug 2008 14:03:08 PDT
Unconventional packaging gains official favor. The government has decided to tolerate something that wine-worshipping Etruscan poets never dreamed of: Italy’s Agriculture Ministry said that some fine Italian wines that receive government quality guarantees will be allowed to be sold in boxes.
Wine Definitions
Grape Wines
Carlee Wine | Carlee Wines
Labels: Wine Coolers